The terms and conditions of sale shall apply to sales of goods from the Web Shop. Prices of goods sold in the Web Shop are shown next to the products. Prices exclude value added tax. The price shall be added a fee for delivery of the goods. The fee for delivery depends on the location of the buyer and the type of goods. The fee for delivery is displayed to the buyer when the buyer is placing the respective order. Information about a specific product is displayed next to the product in the Web Shop.


All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary.


After the buyer has received the ordered goods, the buyer is entitled to withdraw from the contract entered into in the Web Shop within 14 days.

The right of withdrawal shall not apply, if the buyer is a legal person.

14 päeva jooksul tagastatud toode peab olema originaalpakendis ning samasuguses kompleksuses nagu ostjale väljastamise hetkel. Kaup, mis saabub ostjani pakendis osadeks võetuna peab tagastamisel olema samuti osadeks võetud ning pakendatud samamoodi nagu kauba väljastamisel ostjale.

To return the goods, a withdrawal form must be filled in, which is available HERE. Vorm tuleb saata meiliaadressile hiljemalt 14 päeva jooksul alates tellitud kauba kättesaamisest. Kauba tagastamisega seotud kulud tasub Ostja välja arvatud juhul kui tagastamise põhjuseks on näiteks vale või vigane toode.

Ostja tagastab tellitud kauba 14 päeva jooksul peale tagastusvormi saatmist Tankleri meiliaadressile või esitab muu tõendi, et ta on antud ajavahemiku jooksul kauba vedajale üle andnud.  Tankler maksab Ostjale tagasi kõik saadud maksed hiljemalt 14 päeva jooksul tagastusvormi saamisest.

The Web Shop is entitled to refuse to make refunds until receipt of the item that is the subject of the contract or until the buyer has submitted proofs that he or she has returned the item, whichever arrives first. If the buyer has clearly chosen other delivery method than the cheapest regular delivery method offered by the Web Shop, the Web Shop shall not be obligated to refund the consumer the expense that exceeds the cost of the regular delivery method. The Web Shop has the right to withdraw from a sales transaction and request the buyer to return the goods if the price displayed in the Web Shop is, due to an error, significantly lower than the market price of the goods.


When the Buyer wishes to swap goods in his/her own will, at first the Buyer has to return the ordered goods. Expenses incurred in relation to return of the goods shall be at the Buyer`s expense. After that the Buyer has to make another buy at the Web Shop. Web Shop will return the amount paid for the returned goods, if the returned goods are intact and undamaged.


The Web Shop is responsible if the goods sold to the buyer are non-compliant with the terms and conditions of the contract or for a defect the item had already at the time of delivery which was revealed within two years from the moment of delivery of the goods to the buyer. Of this period, during the first six months from the moment of delivery of the item to the buyer, it is presumed that the defect existed already at the time of delivery of the item. The obligation to refute this presumption lies with the Web Shop.

Ostjal on õigus puuduse ilmnemisel pöörduda hiljemalt kahe kuu jooksul veebipoe poole, saates e-kirja aadressile või helistada telefonil: (+372) 50 56 214. Veebipood ei vastuta puuduste eest, mis on tekkinud pärast kauba üleandmist ostjale. Kui Veebipoest ostetud kaubal on puudused, mille eest Veebipood vastutab, parandab või asendab Veebipood puudusega kauba. Kui kaupa ei ole võimalik parandada ega asendada, tagastab Veebipood ostjale kõik müügilepinguga kaasnenud tasud. Veebipood vastab tarbija esitatud kaebusele kirjalikult või kirjalikku taasesitamist võimaldavas vormis 15 päeva jooksul.


Kui ostjal on Veebipoe osas pretensioone, tuleb need saata e-kirja aadressile või helistada telefonil (+372) 50 56 214.

Kui ostja ja Veebipood ei suuda lahendada vaidlust kokkuleppe teel, siis on ostjal võimalik pöörduda Tarbijavaidluste komisjoni poole. Menetlustingimustega saab tutvuda ning avaldust esitada HERE. Tarbijavaidluste komisjoni pädevuses on lahendada ostja ja Veebipoe vahel sõlmitud lepingust tulenevaid vaidlusi. Ostja kaebuse läbivaatamine komisjonis on tasuta.

Ostja võib pöörduda Euroopa Liidu tarbijavaidlusi lahendava platvormi poole HERE.


Neither party will be liable for failure to meet the contractual obligations under the Agreement due to Force Majeure. The party involved in an event of Force Majeure will take all reasonable measures and actions to limit or minimize the consequences of such an event.

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